MALTON’S Palace Cinema has been praised in a national guide to the world’s best independent cinemas.

A cinema-goer has recommended the Palace for its customer service and value in The Guardian’s travel supplement.

The cinema, which is owned by Jeremy Powell, reopened eight years ago following extensive refurbishment. Since then it has expanded to include a second screen and digital projector allowing a more flexible film programme.

The anonymous ‘reader’s tip’, which was mentioned alongside cinemas in Norway, New Zealand and Alaska, said: “There can’t be many cinemas that serve tea in china cups and saucers. All the latest films make it to one of the Palace’s two tiny screens, just a week of so after they appear at the multiplex down the road.

“It has comfortable plush velvet seats and art deco lights, and you get a personal preview of the film from the owner Jeremy as he sells tickets, ice cream and wine (in real glasses of course).”

Mr Powell said he was delighted someone had taken the time to submit the comments.

He said he aimed to appeal to the local audience including family films in the school holidays and a film club.

“The next challenge is to show films in digital and 3D and I’m hoping to find sponsors to help pay for the cost,” he said.

“It was one of my life ambitions to own a cinema and it is hard work but I am delighted it is doing so well.”