WORK is nearing completition on a £32,000 programme of work to improve rights of way in the Howardian Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Nine villages have benefited from the scheme says Paul Jackson, the AONB officer - Howsham, Whitwell-on-the-Hill, Firby, Crambe, Welburn, Bulmer, Stittenham, Kirkham and Henderskelfe.

New signposts have been erected, gates replaced stiles, and sections of boardwalk and flights of steps have also been put in to help people over difficult stretches, he said.

Work started in January last year but came to a halt because of foot and mouth disease. Now the programme has started again, said Mr Jackson, and plans are being made for the next phase involving eight parishes in the Terrington and Amotherby areas including Grimston, Gilling, Brandsby, Swinton and Huttons Ambo.

"If everything goes to plan, this work will be finished during the winter and the team will then move on to tackle other areas."

The AONB covers some 79 square miles, said Mr Jackson, and its joint advisory committee has drawn up a six-year plan costing £170,000, funded by the Government's Countryside Agency and North Yorkshire County Council.

"The improvements are designed to give people more information about the destination and distance of their walk, as well as helping less able-bodied people by installing gates in place of stiles."

He said the project was a good example of a partnership venture.

"We have already had some good feedback from the public saying the rights of way are much easier to use."

An added bonus for Ryedale is that the gates and signs have been made in the district, by Duncombe Sawmill, Helmsley, Taylors of Pickering and C T Lund of Broughton. "By using local contractors, we have kept the money allocated for the schemes in the area," said Mr Jackson.

Updated: 10:41 Wednesday, September 11, 2002