IT would seem that Bruce George, a member of the Defence Select Committee, who recently visited RAF Fylingdales, showed more concern for the people living around the base, than did their own Ryedale MP.

John Greenway told his fellow MPs that all right-minded-people must agree with the Star Wars Project - the inference being that he must consider a large proportion of his constituents to be out of their minds.

He used the debate to suggest that people living around Fylingdales could be bought off with the provision of money for road improvements - reminding me of Lawrie Quinn's assertion that one benefit of the base was to get the road kept clear of snow.

Those who do not think that either of these MPs are protecting the security of their constituents should write and let them know of their fears. They seem quite happy to put us in the front line of America's defence system - a system whose ability to destabilise the world is becoming increasingly obvious.

We are still expecting the Defence Select Committee to call on members of Fylingdales Action Network to give evidence, but one of the basic questions that needs answering is: was there ever any possibility that we could say no to becoming part of the Star Wars project? What would be the consequences of denying America this upgrade and what secret deals are being struck that affect this decision?

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Updated: 11:27 Wednesday, February 05, 2003