A YOUNG Ryedale farmer has turned to a new venture to offset low farm incomes.

Andrew Warriner has taken on the first Yorkshire franchise of The Travelling Car Valeter, a Derby-based firm. The 27-year-old helps his family to run Swainsea Barn Farm so he's recruited a friend, Jason McIntyre, as a mobile valet. The two are running a Mercedes Vito van for the business.

"This is a new challenge for use and we want to do really well with it," said Andrew. "General farm incomes are lower than they were and, rather than bury our heads in the sand, we looked for new opportunities."

He didn't have far to look for the franchise. The franchise firm is owned by John Bowler who runs an egg business, some of which are supplied by Andrew's farm.

Updated: 11:56 Wednesday, November 12, 2003