WORK has begun on a project to restore the imposing 95ft tall obelisk that has announced the entrance to Castle Howard for nearly 300 years.

Vibration and collision damage caused by passing heavy goods vehicles has left the structure in significant need of repair. A new road around the obelisk is being built because with the current layout it would be impossible to put up scaffolding without closing the road. The joint project between Castle Howard Estate and North Yorkshire County Council will form a new larger roundabout, which will improve traffic flow and safety.

The scheme has received a grant from the Aggregate Levy Sustainability Tax, administrated by English Heritage.

Giles Proctor, English Heritage historic buildings architect, said, "We are particularly pleased to be able to support this project, as it is one of the few building repair schemes funded from the Aggregates Levy."

Simon Howard said: "We are very pleased to be part of this project. All the parties involved have undertaken an enormous amount of work and this is a fine example of co-operation between North Yorkshire County Council, English Heritage and the Castle Howard Estate."

The work on the new road layout should be completed by December 19. Work will commence on the obelisk restoration early next year.

Updated: 12:10 Tuesday, November 18, 2003