A RYEDALE tea room owner renowned for her home-made scones is enjoying a new kind of infamy as the latest victim of fashion "terrorists" Trinny and Susannah.

Georgie Wayper, owner of The Hidden Monkey, Market Place, Malton, wrote to a national newspaper asking for advice on how to combine a smart but practical wardrobe that she could wear comfortably while preparing dishes in the kitchen and meeting customers.

"I couldn't believe it when they got in touch to do this article," said Georgie. "I was even more flabbergasted to learn that Trinny and Susannah would be involved."

Georgie was visited by a photographer who took his snaps to London for the pair to analyse.

"I'm really pleased with what they've written," said Georgie.

"They recommend that I should wear less black because it shows up marks that you get when you're dealing with food.

"They suggested that I wore jeans, white T-shirt and a jacket, and told me of some good places to shop. I'm going to give it a go."

Updated: 12:46 Wednesday, November 19, 2003