A FORMER fireman, who was disabled after taking part in a rescue, is tackling the 110-mile Cleveland Way - on an electric scooter.

Alan Bailey was a keen walker until he suffered his accident 19 years ago, but has refused to allow his disability to deter him from pursuing his hobby of enjoying the countryside and is making his journey to raise money for Marie Curie Cancer Care.

Alan, now 49, who lives half of the year at Filey and the rest of the time at Nelson, in Lancashire, set off from Helmsley Castle accompanied by a back-up van which, as well as publicising his marathon, also acted as a safety measure when he was making his way along roads on his electric scooter, specially designed for the disabled.

He is due to finish the fundraising challenge at Filey next Saturday.

"I want to encourage more disabled people to explore the countryside either on a scooter like mine, or in a wheelchair," said Alan, whose wife Ann died from cancer.

He has planned the route in sections of 10-16 miles a day, going from Helmsley to Sutton Bank, then to Osmotherley, Claybank, Newton-upon-Roseberry, Skinningrove, Whitby, Ravenscar, Scarborough and Filey Brigg, finishing at the Cleveland Way monument.

Updated: 11:52 Wednesday, November 19, 2003