MALTON: Forward on November 11 were 104 cattle including 49 bulls and 23 cows, and 637 sheep including 83 ewes.

Cattle: heavy steers to 120p from A Marson, Hunmanby (ave 98.6p), light heifers to 121p from G I Marwood, Harome (100.37p), heavy heifers to 128p from G I Marwood (112.1p), light bulls to 110p from A W Turnbull, Barugh (97.4p), heavy bulls to 112p from A W Turnbull (96.5p), B & W bulls to 86p from M Ellerby, Pickering (78.5p).

Sheep: med lambs to 108.3p from J E Clifford & Sons, Slingsby (101.09p), heavy lambs to 104.3p from G Belt & Son, Normanby (98.2p), overweight lambs to 100.3p from H W Ward & Sons, Habton (95.6p); ewes to £47 from G Belt & Sons, Normanby (33.50).

Forward on November 14 were 53 store cattle and 722 store lambs.

Cattle: Lim heifers to £515 from A and H Wheldon; BB, bullocks to £480 from R and J Ireland, heifers to £570 from E P and A Richardson; Sim heifers to £335 from R B Jefferson.

Sheep: Texel lambs £46.60, Suffolk X lambs £47.20 from R Holtby. Overall average for store lambs £41.12.


Forward on November 12 were 242 cattle including 121 clean, 81 bulls and 40 cows; 542 sheep including 492 spring lambs and 43 ewes; 649 pigs including 53 sows.

Cattle: steers, med to 101.5p (96.84p), heavy to 125.5p (106.77p); heifers, light to 105.5p (97.39p), med to 117.5p (100.29p), heavy to 124.5p (104.18p); bulls, light to 78.5p, med to 131.5P (96.78p), heavy to 122.5p (96.52p).

Sheep: spring lambs, light to 133.7p (114.3p), med to 115.10p (105.39p), heavy to 109.3p (99.41p); ewes to £47.50 (£33.50).

Pigs: porkers to 92p (84.63p), cutters to 93p (84.39p), baconers to 98.5p (76.77p), overweights to 77.5p (66.47p); sows to 71.50p (44.81p).


Forward on November 13 were 389 cattle including 156 young bulls; 1,552 sheep including 137 ewes; 232 pigs including 75 sows/boars.

Cattle: steers, med to 123.5p (103.8p), heavy to 124.5p (102.2p); heifers, light to 123.5p (119.2p), med to 129.5p (107.6p), heavy to 124.5p (105.2p); young bulls, light to 95.5p, med to 123.5p (87.34p), heavy to 119.5p (94.52p).

Sheep: lambs, standard to 110.3p (103.6p), med to 115p (106.5p), heavy to 116.3p (98.9p), overweights to 94.8p; ewes, light to £28.60 (£16.46), heavy to £48 (£35.72).

Pigs: porkers to 88p (80.60p); cutters to 89p (80.9p); baconERS to 84p (77.5p); sows to 45p (42.4p), boars to 32p (29.8p).


Forward on November 14 were 216 accredited cattle including 24 calves, 182 store cattle, 5+5 cows and calves and heifers in calf; 761 store sheep.

Cattle: Lim cow and calf to £490, Sim cow and calf to £430; store cattle (with prices to £670), Ch to £595 (ave bulls £389, steers £546, heifers £280), Lim to £670 (ave bulls £476, steers £510, heifers £319), Sim to £520 (ave bulls £325, steers £520, heifers £378), BB to £455 (ave bulls £455, heifers £314), Fr to £485 (ave bulls £213, steers £307), Blond to £438 (ave bulls £438), AA to £295 (ave bulls £295, heifers £280), Shorthorn to £368 (ave heifers £308); accredited calves (with prices to £172), Fr bulls to £140 (£68), AA, bulls to £85 (£85), heifers to £62 (£62), BB, bulls to £172 (£172), heifers to £108 (£108).

Sheep (with prices to £208): store lambs, Texel gimmer to £64, Cont to £46.50, Suffolk X to £45.20; breeding sheep, Texel shearlings to £122, Texel ewes to £106; tups to £208.

Totals for livestock auction and collection centre sales over the seven days to November 17. Forward were 282 cattle including 234 live auction, six deadweight and 42 OTMs; 513 sheep, 183 live auction including 18 ewes, 330 deadweight; 805 pigs, 291 live auction, 488 deadweight, 26 sows.

Cattle: young bulls, Cont to 139.5p (ave 110p, last week 107.1p), B&W to 104.5p (83.8p, 83.1p); steers, Cont to 125.5p (104.9p, 102.9p), others to 103.5p (84.5p, 84.3p); heifers, Cont to 126.5p (105.6p, 108.1p), others to 105.5p (ave 98.1p); deadweight B&W 150p.

Sheep: spring lambs, standard to 142.9p (ave 110.5p, last week 112.9p), med to 110.2p (104p, 109.6p), heavy to 103.3p (101p, 104.4p); ewes/rams to £53 (£30.40, £39); deadweight lambs 235.5p.

Pigs: porkers to 89p (ave 78.9p, last week 81.1p), cutters to 89.5p (79.3p, 86.9p), baconers to 87.5p (76.5p, 80.8p); sows to 45p (42.2p, 44.4p); deadweight, baconers 107-108p, cutters 115-116p.

Updated: 12:35 Wednesday, November 19, 2003