AMOTHERBY: ON Saturday, November 15, a truly enjoyable evening was had at the Beansheaf Hotel, Pickering, by Amotherby Young Farmers.

Everyone arrived looking very smart and, by 8pm, all sat down to have a lovely meal (the Yorkshire puddings were great!). Bruce said a few words after the meal and Mr Goodwill told a joke about him and Michael Fargher - no need to say more.

Simon Smith presented prizes to members (listed in order of placing): best member Laura Fargher, Andrew Wilson, Rachel Bramley; girls cup Sophie Monkman, Laura Fargher, Rachel Bramley; boys cup Andrew Wilson, Ben Smith, Bruce Wilson; Ryedale Rally girls cup Sophie Monkman, Laura Fargher, Rachel Bramley; Ryedale Rally boys cup Andrew Wilson, Christopher Dean, Ben Smith/Nick Dean; stock judging cup Andrew Wilson, Sophie Monkman, Laura Fargher; machinery cup Andrew Wilson, Rachel Bramley, Ben Smith.

Many thanks to the Beansheaf Hotel and to Rachel for all her hard work.


ON October 21, Helmsley YFC had a meeting judging dairy cows in Bilsdale, by kind permission of Mr David Wood. Results (in order of placing) were: Anna Wheldon, Adrian Dowsland and Rosie Hayes.

The club was placed first overall at the Ryedale group public speaking competition and several members will be going on to county level. Well done everyone!

On October 28, Ryedale Young Farmers Clubs took part in the giant Yorkshire pudding promotion in Malton market place promoting YFC membership.

November 4 was Bonfire Night for Helmsley YFC, at Oscar Park, by kind permission of Mr and Mrs Hawkins. Members thoroughly enjoyed the evening and a big thank you to George and Ann. Last week members enjoyed Wood's open night, at Kirby Mills.

Don't forget, on Sunday, November 30, the Helmsley YFC annual ploughing match will be held at Wombleton aerodrome, by kind permission of Tim Rooke. Start time is 9.30am; entries on the day.

On Saturday, December 6, there will be a Christmas dinner dance at the Feathers Hotel, Helmsley; tickets £18. Members and friends who would like to attend, please ring secretary Janet Flintoft on (01751) 431615.


MUSTON Young Farmers' Club (YFC) member Stuart Bell has been elected the National Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs' (NFYFC) vice-chairman.

Stuart, 30, is one of two new vice-chairmen who will support the newly-elected chairman Neil Cameron, from Nottinghamshire.

Stuart farms on his family's Church Farm near Driffield and first joined his local YFC aged 15. He has held numerous posts at club and county level and is about to start his second year as chairman of NFYFC's personal development steering group. In this role, Stuart was instrumental in establishing a new post for a Discovery programme officer, who will run and review YFC's international travel exchange programme.

Updated: 12:34 Wednesday, November 19, 2003