A GROUP which works to promote bridleways in Ryedale has launched plans for an ambitious 100-mile circular trail which promises to attract a new aspect of equestrian tourism to the area as well as making the countryside more accessible to local riders, walkers and cyclists.

The Ryedale Bridleways Group launched Ride the Rye at a meeting on Monday in Sinnington village hall.

By linking existing bridleways, the route will stretch from west of Pickering as far as the Howardian Hills and return in a loop south of the river, taking in areas of outstanding natural beauty and parts of the North York Moors National Park.

The route would pass by bed and breakfasts that also take horses overnight.

Group chairwoman Anne Blakemore said: "The group is seeking the co-operation of the district councils and the North York Moors National Park authority, Yorkshire Forward and any other interested bodies. We are keen to further develop our good working relationship with the local rights of way department."

Anne said that most counties have long-distance routes which they encourage people to use nowadays, and it is unusual not to have one in this area, considering the popularity of horse-riding in the district.

Ride the Rye is the first major project for the group, which formed just over a year ago.

Anne added: "It is hoped that the project will raise the profile of equestrian tourism in North Yorkshire, which has some of the most beautiful riding country in the UK, and that people with bed and breakfast and equestrian business will benefit financially from it."

For further information telephone the group secretary Liz Newbronner on (01751) 432297.

Updated: 12:32 Wednesday, November 19, 2003