A RYEDALE coal merchant has been jailed for three years after a girl's internet cry for help ended her 14-month ordeal of "sadistic" abuse at his hands.

David Welford, 56, used garden cane and wire covered in plastic as well as his hand as he whipped the teenager so many times that she lost count, York Crown Court heard. Simon Jack, prosecuting, said that the beatings on the girl's bare skin left scars and made it painful for her to sit down or take a bath.

But she kept silent until finally, feeling suicidal and knowing that another beating would take place the next day, she went into an internet chatroom and told other computer users what was going on.

AOL staff were monitoring the chatroom and alerted police. Within hours, Welford was under arrest.

Welford, of Cropton Lane, Wrelton, pleaded guilty to four charges of indecently assaulting the girl.

"They were twisted, sadistic, humiliating and perverting (offences), and although you deny it, I have no doubt you were sexually motivated," the Honorary Recorder of York, Judge Paul Hoffman told him.

"They caused significant injuries. I would be very surprised if they had not caused psychological harm. You have shown little or no remorse."

He jailed Welford for three years, after which he faces five years of supervision. The Parole Board can send him back to prison if he misbehaves. Welford must also register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.

For Welford, Richard Newbury said he was a simple, hard-working and honest man who had only committed the offences because of certain circumstances.

He was unlikely to have contact with children in future. Several people who gave character references were in court to support him.

Updated: 11:03 Saturday, November 22, 2003