Forward on November 21 were 42 store cattle and 305 store sheep.

Cattle: Lim bullocks to £618 from D J Wilson; Lim heifers to £328 from W N Fletcher; Sim heifers to £448 from R & M E Temple; BB to bullocks £730 from D J Wilson; BB heifers to £430 from A E Grice; Ch bulls to £700 from K Kirby.

Sheep: Texel to £44.50 from A W Barnett & Son; Suffolk X to £48.50 from West Heslerton Farms; Ch X lambs to £50.20 from J L Hird & Co. (Overall average of store lambs £46.16.)


Forward on November 24 were 16 cattle including seven young bulls; 397 sheep including 77 ewes.

Cattle: steers, prime to 99.5p/kg; heifers, premium to 104.5p (101.5p), prime to 97.5p (96.5p), others to 78.5p (77.5p); young bulls, prime to 89.5p, others to 78.5p (75p).

Sheep: lambs, standard to 122.9p (115.8p), med to 16.8p (110.8p), heavy to 106.2p (105.2p); ewes, Masham to £38, Mules to £33, Swales to £18.50.

Forward on November 17 were 280 sheep including nine ewes.

Sheep: lambs, standard to 111.5p (104.1p), med to 107.5p (102.8p), heavy to 102.2p (97.1p); ewes, Texels to £30 and Mules to £31.50.

Forward on November 19 were 201 cattle comprising 161 store cattle, 38 calves, one dairy cow, one suckler cow with two calves at foot; and 51 sheep.

Cattle: new calves and dairy heifers at £660; suckler cow with two heifer calves to £570; Lim, bulls to £440, steers to £510, heifers to £442; Ch, steers to £660, heifers to £400; Sim, bulls to £430, steers to £520, heifers to £400; BB, bulls to £465, steers to £520, heifers to £468; Hfd steers to £515; AA, steers to £480, heifers to £300; Fr, bulls to £308, steers to £408; calves, Lim bulls to £270, Lim heifers to £115; Sim bulls to £278.88; BB bulls to £272, BB heifers to £92; Hfd heifers to £48; Fr bulls to £100.

Sheep: lambs, Texel to £34.50, Scots to £35; ewes, Texel to £39, Mules to £52.


Forward on November 22 were 112 cattle and 134 pigs.

Cattle: cows and calves to £480/head; calves, bulls to £160, heifers to £70; stirks, BB to £325, Fr to £390; bulls, Lim to £420, Blond £465, Fr to £308; heifers, Lim to £350, Sim to £380; steers, BB to £480, Sim to £480.

Pigs: weaners to £38, stores to £51, fat pigs to £72, sows to £81.

Sheep: store lambs to £38.

There was a large show of plants, trees, fur, feather and miscellaneous items; next sale, Saturday, December 6.

Forward on November 19 were 186 cattle including 99 clean, 87 bulls; 406 sheep including 359 spring lambs, 47 ewes; 536 pigs including 28 sows, four boars.

Cattle: steers, med to 112.5p (104.93p), heavy to 117.5p (100.08p); heifers, light to 101.5p, med to 127.5p (105.86p), heavy to 129.5p (108.13p); bulls, light to 106.5p (89.98p), med to 111.5p (98.73p), heavy to 129.5p (102.11p).

Sheep: spring lambs, light to 130.10p (117.65p), med to 130.10p (114.22p), heavy to 128.2p (110.27p).

Pigs: porkers to 98.5p (82.87p), cutters to 96p (81.23p), baconers to 91p (80.14p), overweights to 82.5p (82.5p); sows to 48p (46.56p), boars to 30p (28.51p).


Forward on November 20 were 443 fat cattle including 158 young bulls; 1,386 sheep including 1,288 ewes; 342 pigs including 127 sows/boars.

Cattle: steers, med to 125.5p (103.5p), heavy to 128.5p (107.8p); heifers, light to 130.5p, med to 132.5p (108p), heavy to 133.5p (109.9p); bulls, med to 123.5p (93.5p), heavy to 130.5p (101.06p).

Sheep: lambs, standard to 117.9p (114.3p), med to 125.6p (112.9p), heavy to 129.1p (103.6p), overweights to 100p; ewes, light to £41.50 (£28.90), heavy to £49 (£41.02).

Pigs: porkers to 80.5p (70.6p), cutters to 80p (71.1p, baconers to 78p (70.6p), overweights to 76p (58.7p); sows/ boars to 47p (45.1p).


Forward on November 20 were 222 accredited cattle including 24 calves, 194 store cattle, two cows and two calves.

Cattle: heifers in calf to £375, BB cow and calf to £700, Blond cow and calf to £680; store cattle (with prices to £238), Ch to £535 (ave steers £453, heifers £347), Lim to £602 (ave bulls £389, steers £436, heifers £348), Sim to £645 (ave bulls £396, steers £508, heifers £338), BB to £490 (ave bulls £390, steers £484, heifers £328), Fr to £525 (ave bulls £220, steers £405, heifers £350), Hfd to £355 (ave steers £340, heifers £355), Blond to £568 (ave steers £439, heifers £250), AA to £380 (ave steers £270, heifers £312), Montebelaire to £590 (ave steers £590), Salers to £465 (ave steers £394, heifers £462); calves (with prices to £238), Sim bulls to £232 (£232); Fr bulls to £75 (£49); AA, bulls to £115 (£115), heifers to £32 (£32); Lim, bulls to £238 (£214), heifers to £145 (£139); BB, bulls to £238 (£210), heifers to £152 (£148).

Updated: 11:25 Wednesday, November 26, 2003