LAST week, 25-30 Young Farmers and friends enjoyed a visit to the Black Sheep Brewery at Masham. Members were entertained with an interesting tour around the brewery. Gifts were bought from the gift shop and then there was plenty of time to sample the various brews.

On Sunday, November 30, the Helmsley YFC ploughing match will be held at Wombleton Aerodrome, by kind permission of Tim Rooke. It commences 9.30am; entries on the day.


ON November 12, the Young Farmers went bowling at Scarborough, where the girls showed better form than the boys.

On November 13, Rillington won the district quiz, held at the Pickering Agricultural Centre. Team members were Stuart Maw, William Douglas and Sarah Naylor. Congratulations to all those who took part and a big thank you to Graham Bulmer, the question master, and Robert Stubinns, the time and score keeper. A good night was had by all, testing general and farming knowledge.

On November 19, there was a talk by Alan Upton on showing Dutch rabbits. Three rabbits where brought to the meeting and members were told what things to look for in a rabbit. Members would like to thank Alan for his interesting talk and also Mr and Mrs Pratt for allowing the club meet at their house.

Anyone interested in joining the Rillington Young Farmers' Club should contact Sarah on (07739) 687821, or come along to a meeting on Wednesdays, at 7.30pm, in Rillington church rooms, unless told otherwise. New members are always welcome and it's a great opportunity to meet new people and take part in a variety of activities.

Updated: 11:24 Wednesday, November 26, 2003