AM writing to thank the Gazette & Herald on two fronts; firstly for the excellent recent coverage in your newspaper, of the East Yorkshire Mini Rugby Festival hosted by Malton & Norton Rugby Club on November 16. I trust all your readers will have enjoyed the coverage as much as the young players and the supporters of the club.

The photography was superb, and I hope an inspiration for all young people to play the game. Naturally we would welcome all newcomers to the club in our mini, junior and senior sections to join in with the wonderful sport of rugby.

Secondly, as your readers will not be aware, the club wishes to thank the Gazette & Herald for your sponsorship of the event. Your support, together with that of many other local businesses and our neighbours, too numerous to mention, helped to make the organisation of the event a great success.

Local sports clubs such as our own thrive on the press coverage, which the Gazette & Herald consistently provides, and which inspires us to continue to achieve the performances, which in turn provide the news.

Many thanks.

Updated: 11:29 Wednesday, November 26, 2003