SCARBOROUGH'S big seafront Futurist Theatre - once one of the biggest venues in the British summer seaside show scene - is set to be pulled down and the site redeveloped in a joint venture between the borough council and Malton-based developer Harrison.

The council's cabinet yesterday agreed that Harrison should be its partner

in the potential multi-million pound scheme. In a joint report, chief executive John Trebble and head of property services Graham Price said the 2000-seat theatre needs in excess of £1m spent on it to remain in use. But the building had "serious" physical and technical shortcomings, they added. In addition, there had been a big slump in attendances at shows.

"It is imperative that the best possible scheme is achieved on this site, which is considered to be a key factor in kick-starting the Urban Renaissance", they added in their report.

In order to achieve the best possible development, said the officers, it would be necessary to incoporate properties adjacent to the theatre to form a larger site, appoint an architect of renown and get public sector

'gap' funding.

Following a nationwide advertising campaign by Christies and Co, six development companies put forward schemes and now Harrison has been chosen as the winner. Yorkshire Forward, the regional development agency, is to be involved in the development team.

The cabinet was told that Harrison would bring additional experience to the team on land assembly, external funding, viable users and occupiers, design and costing. Harrison had worked with the council on a number of other schemes and had a professional track record, said the report.

The cabinet agreed to a timetable which will see a project team set up next month, negotiations with the current operator of the

theatre, Barrie Stead, for another season, land assembly, exploration of funding opportunities, with a major public consultation exercise being carried out next April and May.

Updated: 10:53 Wednesday, November 26, 2003