A RAPPING robot taught children at a Ryedale school how to tackle waste through reducing, reusing and recycling their rubbish.

Children at Norton Community Primary School had a visit from Cycler, an all-singing all-dancing robot, as part of a national environmental education programme in co-operation with North Yorkshire Schools Waste Action Club and environmental organisation Waste Watch.

Youngsters took part in an interactive show and were then given a puzzle book of follow-up exercises.

David Taggart, education officer for Waste Watch, said: "Every household in the UK throws away just over one tonne of waste per year, of which around 75pc could be reused or recycled to avoid wasting valuable resources.

"Cycler rapped and talked to the children about this. They quickly learnt the message and soon joined in - it's a message they'll also enjoy taking home."

Updated: 10:33 Wednesday, November 26, 2003