Our church needs re-wiring - we have to raise the money,

So we're having functions - some serious, some funny

We started with a chain of hope - round the church we all linked hands

Paying 50p to be a link - raised a hundred plus - that's grand!

Anne donated funds from her Sherburn history book:

There was a beauty demonstration to show us how to look.

And then to the village hall - like Matthew's seat of custom

For a gift day - £1,400.00 was raised - a very princely sum.

There's been teas up at Jackson Wold: Morrison's tombola again;

Plus a series of Monday bingos, kindly organised by Jane.

Then every Friday fortnight - it's a family affair -

We meet up in the village hall and play dominoes there.

There are quizzes and raffles at the East Riding Inn,

And many kind donations keep the money rolling in.

And so we keep on striving , the fund gradually gets bigger,

Until we reach our target - and attain that magic figure.

Updated: 11:33 Wednesday, November 26, 2003