ROBERT Kirby's recent hole-in-one means there are now three players vying to become the king of aces at Malton and Norton Golf Club.

The 11-handicapper joined fellow members Robert High and Jim Hamilton in having each made six holes-in-one when he aced at the club's second hole in a friendly fourball.

It was Robert's third ace at the 128-yard par three, his others coming at each of the three remaining par threes on the original Welham Park 18-hole course.

Robert High has holed-in-one twice at the second, twice at the fourth, once at the 17th and once at the 20th, on the new Derwent nine.

He said: "It's unbelievable how some of them happen. Two have been bad shots. On the 17th, I hit completely the wrong club, it bounced before the bunker and went into the hole."

The eight-handicapper said his latest ace, which came last year, was the catalyst for an upturn in his form.

"It was a turning point for me. I was playing so badly and I just stepped up onto the tee and said 'just hit the thing!' and it went in. Since then, my game has got better."

He added: "Getting a hole-in-one is fantastic but it's not the same as playing well over 18 holes."

All three players acknowledged their first ace gave them the most satisfaction. Jim Hamilton, aged 76, got his first one back in the 1950s on the fourth hole of the old nine-hole course.

Jim, who plays off 14 but got down to seven in his younger days, said: "I still remember it well. It felt great. I don't know what the trick is. People used to say it was because I was pretty consistent in hitting the greens regularly. I suppose if you do it enough times, the law of averages mean you have more of a chance."

Updated: 11:14 Wednesday, November 26, 2003