A RYEDALE school has received a sparkling OFSTED report that praised its leadership, management, curriculum, teaching and learning.

Katherine Snape, head teacher of St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary School, in Highfield Road, Malton, said she was very proud of her staff and pupils following the excellent report.

Inspectors, who visited the school at the end of September, said it gave a very good quality of education and provision for pupils' personal development was also very good.

Attainment at the end of reception class was found to be above average, as were standards in reading, writing and maths at the end of Year Two. Pupils in Year Six were found to be above average in English, maths, science, and information and communication technology.

"The curriculum is very rich and varied, most lessons challenge and excite pupils," said the report.

"Teachers are skilled at generating excitement and interest in learning by a wide variety of teaching a wide variety of teaching strategies."

A diocesan inspector said: "The ethos of the school gives to the children a very good understanding of what it means to live in a community of faith."

Updated: 12:06 Tuesday, December 02, 2003