A KIND-hearted Ryedale woman has donated a grand total of 75 pints of blood during her 41 years of being a donor - almost ten times the volume of blood in her own body.

Alice Harland, of Balksyde, Slingsby, first started giving blood in 1962 and has kept on doing so every 16 weeks ever since. To mark her magnificent achievement, the National Blood Service presented the 63-year-old with a certificate and badge.

"I just kept going and, when I took my two daughters, they wanted to give blood too. So as soon as they were old enough, they became donors also," said Mrs Harland, whose daughters are Peggy, 33, and Wendy, 32.

"I do it because I want to help people. You don't know where your blood's going, it could be to save the life of a new-born baby. It feels lovely after I give blood, I joke with the nurses that I'll pop round town and come back and give them another pint."

Mrs Harland's charitable nature does not stop at giving blood. Over the course of around nine years, Mrs Harland has crocheted dozens of blankets for Malton Hospital and also sewn together patches of material to make blankets for Oxfam.

"I won't stop giving blood until they tell me to. The National Blood Service needs more donors," said Mrs Harland.

Updated: 11:41 Wednesday, December 03, 2003