A NEW shopping complex has opened in Malton's town centre - and more development is planned.

World Wide Shopping Mall (WWSM) has moved into the complex, formerly known as The Lanes, and now renamed The Old Palace Cinema Precinct.

Sarah Sykes, the company's financial spokesman, said extensive refurbishment had been carried out and several individual shops had opened, including Body and Soul, which specialises in health supplements, herbal and homeopathic remedies, Top Twenty Books, a book shop, The Pottery Shop, which has the world famous Hartley Greens creamware, and Royal Chintz.

All the shops are owned and run by WWSM, said Ms Sykes. "There are more shops to follow, with sports equipment, country wear, household products, fashion and shoes."

Ms Sykes said: "The most urgent need was to tidy the appearance of Chancery Lane, by painting the lower facade of the shopping mall and redecorating the entrance hall. The next steps are superficial works on the Yorkersgate entrance. A full refurbishment will be completed later next year."

In addition, the area around the Saville Street entrance is to be enhanced with the aim of opening a new Palace Street cafe in a few months. "It will be a long haul to complete the entire complex, but the ultimate vision is a shopping centre that Malton can be proud of," said Ms Sykes.

Updated: 10:53 Wednesday, December 03, 2003