MANY people claim to have had a brush with death, but I don't suppose any of them have even come close to the experience of my sister and mum when they took me out driving the other day.

Being the grand old age of 16, and having parents that are rapidly tiring of taking me to York a trillion times a week, my mum thought it would be a good idea to start teaching us the driving basics so that we can pass the driving test as soon as we possibly can.

So, despite my repeated warnings and threats of possibly making them sign a disclaimer in case of any injury I may cause, we were taken to a disused piece of land (where at least I couldn't hurt any of the general public.)

Steph, as the eldest by 13 minutes, and more skilled by 13 times, went first. We glided off from the spot, and three-point-turned in an impressive five points - it was so expertly done that I began to think that perhaps this driving lark wasn't as hard as everyone makes out. Who knows - maybe I might surprise my critics and be a natural behind the wheel.

When the time came for my go, I was well prepared. Seat belt on, check the handle thing is in the middle. I was about to start the car but my mum started my downfall.

"What haven't you checked?"

"Oh, the mirror."

"And why do you check it?"

Darn, I hadn't prepared for this one.

"To make sure you look good in case you have to be rescued by a fit young AA man."

It got worse. Once I'd tried, and failed several times to get the car moving (the whole three-pedal concept was too much for my feet to understand), we decided to move on to bigger things, and work our way down.

It was the three-point turn thingy that has put me off ever driving again. Roads are so thin, and the car goes so fast, and when your mum is shouting out "left pedal!", "right pedal!" when you still have yet to grasp the difference between left and right - well it was perfectly understandable that we fell into the ditch.

After sorting out the car, and (mum) driving home, it was silently agreed that perhaps I'm not quite co-ordinated enough yet to be a driver. It wasn't mentioned when I would be taught again, but I would say the repairs bill for the car speaks for itself.

Updated: 11:43 Wednesday, December 03, 2003