SPECIALIST equipment that offers an alternative to blood transfusion during surgery has been presented to Scarborough Hospital by Jehovah's Witnesses.

The 'Cell Saver 5 Autologous Blood Recovery System' recycles patients' own blood during operations.

For Jehovah's Witnesses, who object to receiving someone else's blood on scriptural grounds, this is an acceptable alternative to transfusion.

However, the equipment will not only be used for Witness patients and has already proved popular with consultants.

A spokesman for the East and North Yorkshire congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses said: "The cell saver offers many Witness patients an acceptable alternative to blood transfusion. But we are also keen for this equipment to benefit the wider community.

"We very much appreciate the support and co-operation of the doctors in their efforts to accommodate our religious beliefs."

The cell saver, worth £14,000, reduces the need for blood transfusion, as patients' own blood is collected, cleaned and returned to the body. This avoids the need to use donated blood, and therefore also avoids the risk of associated complications such as transfer of infection.

Accident and emergency consultant Patrick Akar said: "I have already heard from a number of colleagues how pleased they are with the cell saver.

"This would not have been available to us without the kindness and generosity of Jehovah's Witnesses."

Updated: 11:09 Wednesday, December 03, 2003