Spare a thought this Christmas-time

for those whose larder is not so full

of turkey, nuts, fruits and wine,

their lives so empty and so dull.

Spare a thought for those who serve

and tend the sick and lame.

Doctors, nurses in attendance

keep alive the sacred flames.

Spare a thought for those who starve

across in distant lands.

Our dusky brothers and sisters too,

so let us take their stand.

And spare a thought for he who came

to gather us to the fold.

This festive time we celebrate

as our fathers did of old.

So let our thoughts together

create a golden band

and hand in hand with angels,

we'll find the promised land.

So let us all, sisters, brothers

yes you, and you, and you

thank him for his mercy

pay back the pound that's due.

To him above who made us,

reverence and holy praise

and spare a thought for others

on this our lord's birthday.

Updated: 11:36 Wednesday, December 03, 2003