FIVE young Ryedale men were injured after the blue Renault 19 they were travelling in from Newton-on-Rawcliffe to Pickering hit a verge, spun out of control and overturned several times.

Four passengers were taken to Scarborough General Hospital after the crash, at 7.45pm on Saturday, on an unclassified road north of Newbridge Level Crossing, near Pickering.

Driver James Gardner, 20, of Pickering, suffered slight injuries and was not taken to hospital. Timothy Cass, 20, of Saintoft Grange, near Pickering, Jack Chesney, 17, of Swinton, near Malton, and Matthew Rex, 17, of Hungate, Pickering, all suffered serious injuries. Robert Sherwood, 17, of Eastgate, Pickering, suffered slight injuries and was also taken to hospital.

Firefighters administered first aid at the scene until paramedics arrived. No one was trapped in the car, which is believed to have rolled several times down a hill.

Updated: 10:45 Monday, December 08, 2003