FOR the benefit of the uninitiated (Andrew Suter) who has jumped on England's Rugby World Cup band wagon. Is he aware that an international rugby team from these shores does exist - the British Lions - comprising the best players from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland (both north and south)? This team has a great tradition and history and their overseas tours are eagerly anticipated by true rugby supporters. Is he also aware that it is not many years ago that Scotland won the Five Nations grand slam, beating England in a memorable fixture at Murrayfield?

Okay, at the present time England are the number one team in the world, as well as being worthy World Cup winners. Having supported them for well over 40 years, I have vivid memories of them being beaten on a regular basis by other home nations teams, especially Wales in the 1970s when they had a team to match the best in the world. Many a pint has been knocked back after matches to drown our sorrows. What a refreshing change to knock a few back in celebration!

Every dog has his day, and the past two or three years have been England's. God help us if we had to resort to fixtures based on, say, UK v combined European team or combined Australian and New Zealand team. I am sure that I and many other patriotic supporters of the home nations would be horrified at the thought of such fixtures, whether it be rugby, soccer, cricket, tiddlywinks, etc.

If it works (as it does) don't fix it, is my advice to Mr Suter.

Updated: 12:30 Wednesday, December 10, 2003