A NEW police headquarters for Malton is back on the drawing board, members of the Malton community and police group were told at Staxton.

Inspector Neil Burnett, the Ryedale area police commander, said he believed it would be "an exciting scheme" on the town's Wentworth Street car park.

The proposal is to sell the existing police headquarters property so that there would be little cost to the county police authority for the new one.

The hope is to get approval for a complex of flats in the grounds around the existing building to boost the selling price.

County Coun David Lloyd-Williams, a member of the police authority, said the office of the deputy prime minister would have to be involved in the scheme because of land ownership involving Ryedale District Council and the police. And he pointed out that the whole project hinged financially on gaining approval for some developer to build the block of 21 flats.

"The project is on the front burner, but it will still take quite a long time," he said.

He added that planning regulations would need to be relaxed to enable the flats to be built.

In other matters considered at the meeting:

Parents are being urged to take more responsibility for their children riding bicycles in the dark.

Coun Lloyd-Williams said many youngsters had inadequate lights on their cycles and were not wearing luminous gear.

Insp Burnett endorsed his concern, adding that he was particularly worried about children delivering newspapers. Newsagents were being asked to help ensure the children had suitable lighting.

Some 94pc of routine calls to the police on (01653) 692424 or (01723) 500300 are now being answered within ten seconds, and 999 calls within five seconds, the meeting was told.

Several parish councillors complained of industrial fireworks being set off in villages, causing distress to children and old people because of their loud bangs.

Insp Burnett urged people to notify either the trading standards department at North Yorkshire County Council, or the environmental health department at Ryedale District Council.

Updated: 11:55 Wednesday, December 10, 2003