A RYEDALE children's charity has won a £47,000 funding boost to develop new activities for youngsters in the area.

The Ryedale Child and Youth Project (RCYP) received the money from the district council's Community Investment Fund.

Andy Brown, the project manager, is delighted with the investment: "It means we can do so much more to ensure our young people feel part of the community, not just on its fringes," he said.

The charity has already taken steps towards opening a youth club in Rosedale, where Andy is currently working with a community group to identify a venue and apply for funding for equipment before launching it in the new year.

The money will also go towards recruiting new youth workers, as it costs £100 to put someone through the vetting process before they can work with people who are 16 or under, and to provide them with the necessary first-aid training.

A part-time development worker will be recruited to go into communities and guide people on how to get projects off the ground, to give them guidance on legal issues, setting up a constitution and other red tape.

They will also give advice on ways of ultimately becoming self-sufficient.

Andy concluded: "It's easy for us and other groups to go out seeking information from youngsters about what they would like to see happening locally, but all too often we don't have the cash to get activities and events off the ground.

"This money will mean we can transform ideas into reality.

"A whole community feels the positive effects of building the confidence of our young people through events and activities.

"Not only do they feel part of what is going on in their area, but they go on to become good citizens keen to get involved themselves - and take on other responsibilities.

"They are the building blocks of tomorrow's

society. We must ensure their needs and aspirations are responded to."

If you have an idea you want to discuss with the RCYP, please contact (01751)


The project also has a website offering more information on local events and general advice for young people on www.4-kool.info.

Updated: 11:49 Wednesday, December 10, 2003