RESIDENTS of a Ryedale village have cause for celebration after British Telecom admitted it had put up two poles without the necessary planning permission - so must take them down again.

People in Old Malton were outraged when the two poles were put up without prior consultation in Town Street on November 19.

One was put on a triangular green next to the ancient oak tree outside The Royal Oak pub, and the second a short distance away on the same side.

Locals felt the pretty village was blighted by the poles and Coun Martin Dales was shocked that BT did not need consent to erect them in a conservation area.

BT has since admitted it made a mistake. A spokesman said: "Our contractors did make a mistake in installing these two poles without getting the necessary permission. As it is a conservation area they required a general development order from Ryedale District Council.

"Now the issue has been brought to our attention we will be working with contractors to find am alternative solution as quickly as possible."

BT plan to take out the two new poles and increase the height of the original pole so that it meets the minimum height requirement.

But the poles will not be taken down immediately because the work will need to take place at the same time and BT will have to apply to the council for permission first.

Coun Dales said that the news was a small victory for the residents of Old Malton. "I suggested to BT and their contractors, Skansa, that they should fit the lines underground," said Coun Dales. "It shouldn't be too much of a job.

"If they can run phone lines to places like the Isles of Skye I can't really think that this is too much to ask in an area where there's an historic streetscape to protect. I suppose we're celebrating about this news. I'm certainly pleased that they've admitted they've made a mistake."

Updated: 11:51 Wednesday, December 10, 2003