VISITORS to a Ryedale abbey will have the unique opportunity to be taken on a humorous guided tour by one of its least reverent Cistercian monks.

This month, Brother Anthony returned to the cloisters of Rievaulx Abbey, near Helmsley, to share his knowledge about how the abbey would have been run by the commercially-minded monks in the 15th century - plus a humorous warts and all insight into life inside the monastery.

Tony Powell, English Heritage custodian, alias Brother Anthony, said: "At this time of year, I think myself quite lucky. Unlike some of the stricter orders that lived in this area, including the Carthusian monks at Mount Grace Priory, the Cistercian monks of Rievaulx were actually allowed to wear underwear in the colder weather, which afforded some protection from the icy draughts that would have wafted around this great building."

Brother Anthony will be at the abbey on December 14, 21 and 28 at noon and 2pm.

Rievaulx Abbey is open daily throughout the winter from 10am to 4pm. Admission is £3.80 for adults, £2.90 for concessions or £1.90 for children, or free for English Heritage members. For further information contact the abbey on (01439) 798228 or visit

Updated: 12:37 Wednesday, December 10, 2003