A MALTON athlete has hit new heights by completing a marathon on Mount Everest.

Michael Hetherton gained first place in the over-55 category of the prestigious international event. He was placed tenth out of all 75 oversees competitors, finishing the high-altitude 26-mile course in seven hours.

The Nestle Rowntree Athletics Club runner flew out to Nepal at the beginning of November in order to prepare and acclimatise, with the race taking place on November 23.

Michael's daughter Jemima joined him on the trip, working as a race marshal, and she also downed-tools and took part in the last 15 miles of the race.

"It was a very exciting experience and we saw some fantastic views," he said. "It was snowing at the top of the mountain and the changes in temperature were quite dramatic."

So far Michael has raised £500 sponsorship money, with more still to collect, which will go to the Everest Marathon Fund, a registered charity which supports grass root health and education development projects in Nepal.

Updated: 11:29 Wednesday, December 17, 2003