IF YOU go down to the woods today, you're in for a big surprise.

But don't worry - the mysterious voices echoing around Dalby Forest, near Pickering, are nothing to fear, nor do they mean that the trees are talking to you.

In fact they are the result of a new multi-media experience, which has been launched for visitors.

A series of talking posts has been installed in Dalby Forest, allowing the Forestry Commission to provide narration to accompany a dramatic walk through the 8,600-acre woodland.

The one-metre high devices offer 90-second commentaries at the touch of a button, on a range of subjects as diverse as butterflies, the landscape and fungi.

The posts have been installed to help people understand wildlife in the forest, in a joint project with the Sustainable Tourism Initiative and the North York Moors National Park.

Narrators include retired national park ranger Alan Staniforth and butterfly expert Peter Robinson.

Updated: 12:07 Thursday, December 18, 2003