FARMER Andrew Wainwright cannot fly the Yorkshire Flag in Yorkshire. Has every planning official gone stark raving mad?

When laws are brought in, there is usually a good reason for them but a few people take them too literally.

A no, advertising by means of flags without proper consent, etc, would more than likely refer to products or services that are on offer and not to the fact, as in this case, you are in Yorkshire.

With all laws there are grey areas and those in charge have the power of discretion.

In Mr Wainwright's case, unless the Yorkshire flag is causing a nuisance or eyesore, then in my mind, as well of thousands of Yorkshire folk, this law does not apply.

What next? Cars won't be allowed to display the maker's logo or newsagents' billboards banned.

Perhaps the objector is not a Yorkshire man or maybe he/she has some sort of grudge against Mr Wainwright. Whatever the reason, they should 'get a life'.



Updated: 10:05 Monday, December 22, 2003