IF you go down to the woods today, you're in for a big surprise.

But don't worry - the mysterious voices echoing around Dalby Forest near Pickering are nothing to fear, nor do they mean that the trees are talking to you.

They are the result of a new multi-media experience, which has been launched for visitors.

A series of talking posts has been installed in Dalby Forest, allowing the Forestry Commission to provide narration to accompany a walk through the 8,600-acre woodland. The 1m-high devices offer 90-second commentaries at the touch of a button, on a range of subjects as diverse as butterflies, the landscape and fungi.

The posts have been installed to help people understand wildlife in the forest, in a joint project with the Sustainable Tourism Initiative and the North York Moors National Park.

Narrators include retired national park ranger Alan Staniforth and butterfly expert Peter Robinson.

Updated: 09:36 Monday, December 22, 2003