A LOCAL campaign to oppose the addition of fluoride to tap water is being expanded nationally.

Last week, opponents in Yorkshire and Lancashire launched a postcard campaign directed at Yorkshire Water and United Utilities. Now the campaign is going national.

The action follows parliamentary approval in November for strategic health authorities (SHAs) to order water companies to add fluoridation chemicals to public drinking water supplies after public consultations.

National Pure Water Association (NPWA) campaign director Jane Jones said: "We have been inundated with calls from very angry people all over the UK who consider fluoridation to be mass medication without their consent, with untested, unlicensed chemicals.

"Many people are threatening to stop paying their water bills all together if fluoridation goes ahead.

"We cannot support that, but we do feel that customers would have a genuine grievance and would therefore be entitled to take action to protect their health and their rights.

"The water companies know that fluoridation contravenes several human rights conventions and acts.

"That's why they asked for civil and criminal indemnity if they are forced to fluoridate."

A number of groups have joined the NPWA in this battle, including the Green Party and Friends of the Earth.

To take part in the campaign, go to website www.npwa.freeserve.co.uk or telephone (01226) 360909.

Updated: 09:30 Monday, December 22, 2003