IT IS not even Christmas yet, and already unwanted pets are being dumped.

Staff at the Blue Cross centre in Topcliffe, near Thirsk, do not know what this dog's name or age is - because whoever dumped him left no details.

He was found outside the home by animal welfare assistant Caroline Thompson on Thursday morning, in a wire kennel dressed in a red coat.

Kirstein Rennison, 22, who works at the centre, said: "That is the worst thing - we don't know his name. Usually when people dump dogs they leave a card with the name on, or they are wearing a collar.

"We've called him Rudolph - because it's Christmassy. It would be interesting to know a bit of his background."

Kirstein said that without knowing whether the dog was good with children, carers at the home could not place him in an environment with children under the age of 14.

Rudolph is a Weimeraner - a rare German breed. Staff at the centre think he is about ten months old.

He already comes up to Kirstein's waist, but she does not think he will grow much bigger.

She said: "He's a lovely, lovely dog - he seems quite happy here."

Meanwhile, in York's RSPCA centre in Landing Lane, Holgate, so many pets have been dumped that there is no room for any more. Manager Elaine Murdoch said that 51 unwanted cats and dogs had been brought in or left at the centre since the beginning of December.

She said: "Just before Christmas is our busiest time. Everyone is bringing them in. We are absolutely chock-a-block.

"People who don't want their dog or their cat are getting rid of them before Christmas because they are busy doing other things."

Elaine said that most pets were brought in by their owners, but two animals - a cat and a dog - had been abandoned outside the centre this month.

She said: "It still sickens me after all these years."

Updated: 10:17 Wednesday, December 24, 2003