TOWN councillors at Helmsley are at loggerheads with North Yorkshire County Council's (NYCC) highways department over the erection of new signs.

The town authority has told NYCC's agent, Mouchell, that it does not agree with its design and detail of the proposed new directional and tourist signs. They are misleading for drivers trying to follow them, say councillors.

In the scheme, 166 different signs and logos were considered.

But town clerk John Dale said town councillors do not agreed with Mouchell over its proposals, which are part of the county council's £100,000 traffic management scheme for Helmsley.

"The aim is to reduce the number of signs and to improve the others," he said.

Until the town council gets satisfaction from Mouchell, councillors say they will not co-operate on the other traffic schemes the county council wants to


"At present, we are awaiting a response from Mouchell," said Mr Dale.

In other town council business:

- The police are clamping down on illegal parking in Borogate following complaints. The road is for access only, said Mr Dale.

- The council is still trying to recruit an assistant to the town clerk. The job involves about ten hours a month. Anyone interested is asked to contact Mr Dale on (01904) 758368.

- Approval has been recommended to Ryedale District Council of two plans, alterations to provide an enlarged cafe and relocated bakery shop at 12 Castlegate, Helmsley, and the replacing of a flat roof with a pitched, tiled roof.

- The town council has agreed to join the Action for Market Towns Group as part of its plan to get a blue print for Helmsley's future.

- Action is to be taken to remove vegetation which has grown in Borobeck, in the High Street, which is thought to be due to nitrates getting into the river from sources outside Helmsley.

- Councillors Lord Feversham and Martin Vander Weyer have been appointed to represent Helmsley on the Renaissance Market Towns committee.

- Two dog waste bag dispensers are to be sited in Chapel Lane and at the new cemetery, to encourage dog owners to clean up after the pets.

- Trustees of the cemetery have asked for help towards the £2,000 cost of its annual maintenance and towards dealing with trees in the cemetery extension.

- The council says it would prefer to be in a new unitary authority with Hambleton District Council because of Helmsley's close proximity to its boundary, if there is a 'yes' vote in next October's referendum on a proposed Yorkshire and Humber elected regional assembly.

Ryedale District Council (RDC) wants to link with Scarborough, with the new authority likely being based at Malton. However, there are two other strong options - a unitary North Yorkshire County Council which would mean the demise of RDC, and a new unitary authority incorporating Ryedale, Hambleton and Scarborough.

- The North York Moors National Park's next western area forum for parishes is to be held on February 4.

Updated: 12:41 Monday, December 29, 2003