A RELIC of Ryedale life of yesteryear has been restored in the village of Terrington.

A decade ago, a tree fell on to an historic pump on the village green, causing extensive damage.

Castle Howard Estate which owned the tree agreed to repair the pump but in doing so, the spout and handle were put in the wrong place, says John Goodwill, the parish council chairman.

Now the council, together with the Howardian Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (ANOB) project, has had the pump renovated in an oak casing made by local craftsman John Lund.

The pump is the last of four original ones in Terrington. It provided the village with water until the arrival of the mains supply 70 years ago.

The AONB project has already restored a number of features in the area says its leader, Paul Jackson.

Environmental improvement work and village initiatives such as the Terrington pump have all helped enhance the area, which is seen as one of the most attractive in North Yorkshire.

Updated: 12:37 Monday, December 29, 2003