"We miss you so much and are doing everything we can to bring you home" is the message from friends and family to missing Victoria Taylor.

Victoria, known as Vixx, left her home at 9am in Malton on Monday, September 30. Apart from two CCTV images, the 34-year-old, who has a two-year-old daughter, hasn't been since.

Over the last nine days thousands of posters have been distributed as the local community has pulled together in an 'amazing effort' to find Victoria.

Volunteers have conducted daily searches throughout Malton and Norton and across the surrounding countryside.

A Facebook group 'The search for Victoria Taylor' now has over 9,000 members from across the country.

One local volunteer posted: "So proud of my little town, hundred of people out day and night looking for Victoria. Strangers and friends alike. Nobody is giving up. What an amazing effort."

Another said: "Everyone is being absolutely amazing in the search to find you Vixx Anne and we will continue to do so until your home safe and well.

Co-ordinated searches have been made from the Derwent Arms pub in Church Street, Norton, which has provided a base for those involved.

Victoria Taylor's sisters, Emma Worden, Heidi Baker, and Chantelle Baker, along with step-sister Helen Moran and brothers Joe Taylor and Gavin Baker have also made direct appeals to Victoria, who is a nurse at a local care home.

Emma said: "Vicky, just come home. We just want her home. She's got a little baby and her partner. We're just so worried."

"If anyone knows anything, just let us know."

"She's a very popular person. Obviously, she's a nurse and looked after so many people's parents round here."

“We would like to thank all the emergency services and volunteers who have assisted in the search for Vixx so far. The wider local community has also rallied around, and we are eternally grateful for the support that they have given to us, Vixx’s family.

Step-sister Helen said in a direct appeal: "You have a beautiful family waiting for you. So many worried friends and family."

North Yorkshire Police are continuing their search, with the focus remaining along the riverbank and in the River Derwent itself.

Officers have said they believe no-one else is involved in the disappearance of Victoria.

They have issued an image of her on CCTV at 11.35am on Monday, September 30, at the BP garage on Welham Road in the Norton.

A further sighting of Victoria was captured at 11.53am the same morning at Malton Bus Station on Railway Street. To date, this is the last confirmed sighting of Victoria.

A police spokesperson said: "Over the past week we have undertaken extensive enquiries. The investigation has involved the collection and review of CCTV footage and passive data research, we have searched key areas of both land and water and we have interviewed several witnesses.

"We remain open minded and, whilst the investigation of Victoria’s movements has been thorough, we will continue to pursue existing and new lines of enquiry.

"Based on information obtained from these exhaustive enquiries, North Yorkshire Police is satisfied at the current time that there is no information to suggest any form of third-party involvement following the disappearance of Victoria and this remains a missing person case."

"Last Tuesday, we recovered several personal items belonging to Victoria near to the River Derwent. This area is where we are currently focusing our search efforts and the public can expect to see continued activity in the coming days."

Inspector Martin Dennison from North Yorkshire Police said: “This is an extremely difficult time for Victoria’s family, and we are continuing to do all we can to try and find her.

“The focus of our search remains the area around the River Derwent and Victoria’s family members are aware of this and the wider strategy that is in place.

“The family and the police understand the local community wanting to show their support with the searches for Victoria, but we urge people to exercise caution when searching particularly near to the river.”

Victoria is described as 5ft 2 and of slim build. She was wearing a black adidas puffa jacket with stripes down the sides and jeans and a camouflage type cap.

Anyone who sees her should call 999 straight away.