The Ryedale branch of the Royal Air Forces Association has marked its 25th anniversary with a special concert.

The 'Battle of Britain' concert, with music by the Malton White Star Band, took place at St Peter’s Church Hall in Norton, on Sunday, September 29.

The band, directed by Ian Fell, opened the event with the RAF Association March, while standard bearer Jonathan Fawcett paraded the branch standard through the hall.

The programme included numbers like A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square, In Flanders Fields, and Bluebirds Over the White Cliffs of Dover.

The Training Band, directed by Pat France, performed a medley of short pieces, including The Great Escape.

Some members of the Training Band were also proficient enough to perform a solo, even though the Training Band only began practicing in February.

After an interval for tea and home-baked cakes, the performance continued with more film themes, like 633 Squadron and Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines.

The event concluded with the RAF March Past and the National Anthem.

More than 70 people attended the concert in total, and a Hamper Raffle and Name the Bear competition raised nearly £300 for the RAF Association’s Wings Appeal.

Added to earlier efforts in the year, this brings the total contributed by the Ryedale branch in 2024 to £5,050.

The Wings Appeal is the RAF Association’s ongoing fundraising campaign supporting serving and former RAF personnel and their families.

The Ryedale branch holds regular meetings at the Ham & Cheese in Scagglethorpe.

More information about membership is available by contacting the chairman Allan Jones on 07747825309