PLANS to revamp a well-used York swimming pool have been given the go-ahead. 

On Wednesday (September 26) councillors gave the go ahead to plans to rennovate at New Earswick swimming pool in Haxby Road.

There will be a first floor front extension, new rendering of the front and side walls of the existing ground floor front extension and the current entrance will move and be provided with a new canopy and alterations to roof including installation of solar panels.

The pool at New Earswick which was threatened with closure in 2019 is now run by the community-led charity Friends of New Earswick Swimming Pool (FoNESP) which is fundraising to raise £250,000 to replace failing boilers, fix a leaking roof and update changing rooms.

A planning application is now being considered to bring the pool, which dates from 1966, up to date and includes a first-floor extension, updated changing facilities, and alterations to the entrance and roof, which would have solar panels installed.

The swimming pool was opened in 1966 by the Rowntree Trust with support from the local community. Children were asked to donate half a crown and villagers joined a “Buy a Brick” scheme in order to help finance the project.

It is now a much-used community resource, hired out to a range of swimming schools and clubs.

The Design and Access Statement said the FoNESP needs its plan approved so it can "maintain the services of the swimming pool for the community".

It said: "It is proposed to reconfigure the existing changing blocks which are located at the front of the existing building. Allowing the reconfiguration to take place enables the building to be provided with shared changing cubicles/facilities our client desperately requires.

"The inclusion of the first-floor extension will not impact upon the footprint, but provides the needed roof space to enable a first floor section to be incorporated for public viewing across the existing pool. The inclusion of the first floor allows for an accessible lift to be provided, ensuring the spaces and facilities are accessible to all."

Among local people backing the application were Huntington and New Earswick Lib Dem councillors Carol Runciman and Keith Orrell.

When the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust announced in 2017 that they planned to close and demolish the pool, the councillors stepped in to work with the local community group to retain the pool and apply for necessary grants that have helped towards the renovation.

Cllr Runciman said: "The pool has been a valuable asset for our area for more than 50 years. Due to the hard work of the Friends of the New Earswick Pool group we are finally seeing the renovations needed to ensure its long-term future.

"The pool has a proud record of providing swimming facilities for disabled residents that are not always available at other pools in the city. The renovations and improvements will consolidate these opportunities for the future.

"It is vital that the Friends are able to progress the modernisation of the pool."