AN appeal is underway to help a woman who each year brings joy to hundreds of children in York.

This year, like many before, Lynda Starkey will be creating her very own ‘witch den’ at her home in Acomb for families to visit this Halloween.

Lynda, who lives at Camellia Cottage in Kingsway West, will transform her home into the den with hundreds of Halloween decorations - as she does every year to give back to the local community.

She has been dressing up and decorating her home on Halloween since 1984 - and this year an appeal has gone out for sweets.

Jon McGall who runs I Am Reusable food bank in Leeman Road said: “I am asking for your help please. Lynda uses her own money to fund this out of her pension. The only donations come from myself and I am reusable Community Food Bank along with some public donations.

“It was pointed out to me that she needs some help in receiving more wrapped sweets.

“About 400 plus children come to her on October 31. 
Can you please think about supporting this  amazing event and drop off sweets, jelly, drinks, etc
to I am reusable Community Food Bank,45 Aldborough way YO26 4UX, 
COOP Stonebow,
COOP Beckfield Lane 
Aldi Thanet Road, 
Aldi Water Lane,
Aldi Fulford Road,
Morrisons Acomb in the Community,
Camellia Cottage, Kingsway West,YO24 4RD.
Thank you all very much.”

Speaking to The Press previously Lynda said: "Children love coming every year, they get so excited about it.

"I'm retired now, so creating this event actually keeps me fit and active. It's great fun watching little faces full of joy and bringing happiness to the families.

"It also gives me chance to give back to the local community. My motto is 'caring is sharing and sharing is caring'."