Research from Optical Express suggests that the average UK adult hasn't had an eye test in more than three years, with one in ten not having had one in more than a decade.

Stephen Hannan, clinical service director at Optical Express, said: "Optometrists are the GP of the eye, with many now having independent prescribing rights meaning they are well placed to treat the full spectrum of eye conditions that can affect the comfort, health, and vision of our eyes."

In light of the findings, Mr Hannan shared five do's and five don'ts for eye health.

The do's included scheduling regular eye exams and wearing sunglasses that provide UVA protection.

He also recommended following the so-called 20-20-20 rule, designed to reduce eye strain for those who spend a lot of time looking at screens: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

Mr Hannan's other two do's were to maintain a healthy diet, which can encourage good eye health, and to stay hydrated to avoid dry eye symptoms.

His don'ts were: ignoring eye pain or discomfort; smoking; spending too much time on digital devices; sharing eye makeup or contact lenses; and forgetting to wear protective eyewear.