A TWO-year 'fantastic community' project came to fruition at the weekend with the official launch of a pump track in Pickering.

The scheme run by the Pickering Town CIC (PTCIC) was delivered through £30,000 grant funding from North Yorkshire Council and North Yorkshire Sports England Rural Capital fund.

The track has now been gifted from PTCIC to Pickering Town Council who agreed to have it built in Woodlands Park.

Sunday saw the official launch event of the pump-track up at the Community Park on Whitby Road.

Built by Clark and Kent contractors over a period of four weeks, the track attracted hundreds of children on bikes, balance bikes and scooters.

There were BMX demonstrations throughout the day as well as a slack-lining school.

A pump track is a purpose-built track for cycling. It has a circuit of rollers, banked turns and features designed to be ridden completely by riders "pumping"—generating momentum by up and down body movements, instead of pedalling or pushing.

Carrie Brackstone, Operations Manager for the PTCIC said: "It was an amazing day. Despite a poor forecast, the rain held at bay and the children all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. It was lovely to see kids of all ages having a go and the older ones taking care of the little, less-experienced balance-bikers.

Mike Potter, Chair of PTCIC commented: After such a long haul to bring this facility to fruition, it was an absolute delight to see the finished article in reality, and even more so to see a horde of kids from across the whole age spectrum whizzing round a safe environment for hour after hour. Everyone involved should have a warm glow of satisfaction in creating such a fantastic community facility."

North Yorkshire Council leader, Cllr Carl Les, who is the chair of the Shared Prosperity Fund (SPF) Local Partnership Group in the county, said: “It’s fantastic to see the positive impact our SPF investments are having in our communities. By supporting projects like this one in Pickering, we are not only encouraging physical activity but also creating welcoming environments for our young people to enjoy.”

Pickering Pump Track has received £30,000 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, administered through North Yorkshire Council.

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund provides £2.6 billion of funding for local investment by March 2025. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills. For more information, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-shared-prosperity-fund-prospectus

Pickering Town CIC has been running for two years. Set up by volunteers it’s aim is to promote Pickering, improve the town’s facilities and aid the health and well-being of residents.