A Kirkbymoorside soul group is celebrating after a successful concert in Germany.

Kirkby Soul played in the valley town of Himmighausen at the foot of the Egge hill range in North Rhine-Westphalia.

A brass band exchange has been ongoing with the town for more than 40 years.

Kirkby Soul were performing as part of the Himmighausen Nachfeier, which marked the close of the town's Schutzenfest, or shooting festival.

A crowd more than double the expected size turned out to enjoy the eight-piece outfit's songs.

There was even an emergency call for more beer and schnapps.

Chris Clark, Kirkby Soul singer, has been involved in the wider brass band exchange and friendships between the towns of Kirkbymoorside and Himmighausen.

He said: "It has been so wonderful to have the honour to play at Nachfeier.

"The friendship we have with Himmighausen is special and it has also been great to see the younger generations connecting for the future."

Kirkby Soul will play at Pickering Rocks and Harome Big Gig on September 7.