A play set in the picturesque but perilous landscape of rural Cumbria is coming to Pickering's Kirk Theatre.

The Gypsy's Bane, by Sarah Guthrie, will be performed by a mix of professional actors and members of the community.

Set in 1807, the play concerns a love triangle between squire of the manor Cuthbert, his faithful wife Sylvia, and beguiling gypsy girl Bertha.

With her clairvoyant powers, Bertha foresees the capture by pirates of a trading vessel, the Mary Magdalene, with which Cuthbert's fortunes are bound up.

Cuthbert's involvement with Bertha threatens his marriage to Sylvia.

Winston, a black slave whose fate is intertwined with that of Cuthbert, adds an element of intrigue - and potential redemption - to the story.

Special backdrops, created through mapped projection, will also feature.

Andrew Aldis, producer of The Gypsy’s Bane, said: "This is a unique piece of theatre and something that’s been engaging to produce.

"We’ve found a superb cast and crew, and we’ll be presenting a show that showcases a period storyline, modern staging and technological visuals – in a venue built from a former chapel.

"You really don’t want to miss it."

The play will be performed from Thursday, September 5 to Saturday, September 7.

Tickets are available from Scarborough Community Box Office, online at scbo.co.uk, via email at boxoffice@scbo.co.uk or via phone at 07942 280288.

Tickets are £19 for adults and £14 for under 16s.

Discounts are available for groups of ten or more.