A YOUNG woman who has Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) is taking part in the Great North Run (GNR) for a charity close to her heart.

Brit Wheldon, who lives near Rillington, is taking part in the charity race next weekend for the second year.

She said: "I wanted to take part in the Great North Run again to raise funds for PTSD UK, a charity very close to my heart since I was diagnosed with CPTSD.

"I ran the GNR last year for the Yorkshire Air Ambulane and the whole day was amazing which is why I wanted to do it again this year.

"This year I have done a lot more training to prepare, including going to the gym to do strength as well as treadmill running and running outside at places such as Dalby Forest and Wykeham Lakes."

Brit said: "Even though the training has been hard and tough it has made me more aware how this helps my condition. I am looking forward to the day and the atmosphere is amazing and everyone cheers you on from the sides.

"Throughout the last few months of training I have has so much support from family and friends and on the day my mum is coming to support me. I would just like to say thank you to everyone who has donated to the charity and any donations will be gratefully received."

To sponsor Brit go to https://ajbellgreatnorthrun2024.enthuse.com/pf/britany-wheldon