A WOMAN with incurable breast cancer has spoken of her anger after being told her surgery will no longer carry out blood tests.

Helen Mahoney, who lives in Malton, said she now faces a 30-mile round trip for each three minute appointment needed following the announcement by Derwent Surgery that it will no longer be able to carry out hospital blood tests from the beginning of September.

Helen said: "I have stage 4 incurable breast cancer and need frequent blood tests which need to be done on a different day to my ongoing life-long treatment at York Hospital.

"Blood taking at York Hospital or York Community Stadium at Vanguard is very unpredictable and often requires a wait of an hour or more as you can't make an appointment. I am just about well enough to still work and care for my family despite my treatment and each additional appointment takes more valuable time, energy and stamina."

Helen said she was urging everyone affected by this to contact Thirsk and Malton MP Kevin Hollinrake

" I will also be looking into other avenues of putting pressure on to change this e.g. Clinical commissioning group (CCG), local councillors etc. I am sure this will affect many people who have long term conditions, disabilities and are elderly or struggle to travel far.

"I understand the funding issue - in addition to the systematic underfunding of the NHS in general in recent years, much of the funding that is available has been diverted into hospitals and away from primary care, leaving GPs in a mess. The situation needs sorting quickly as patients will be harmed by this."

In a statement Derwent Practice said: "In line with the British Medical Association (BMA) as of Monday 2nd September we will no longer be able to carry out hospital blood tests.

"This is not a decision that has been taken lightly, but following years of underfunding, this service is no longer viable for us to continue providing as a Practice, to ensure that we can continue providing core essential services to our patients.

"We are hopeful that this will only be a temporary measure and that we will be able to provide this local convenient service to our patients in the future, as we have done for so many years.

"We thank you for your patience and understanding."

For more information on BMA Collective Action www.bma.org.uk

To find out about blood taking services go to https://www.yorkhospitals.nhs.uk/our-services/a-z-of-services/blood-taking-service-phlebotomy/