A drink-driver caused £3,000 of damage when he smashed into an oil container, a metal fence and a vehicle parked at a motor garage in Selby.

Richard Garnham, 44, was so drunk he “blacked out” and didn’t even realise he had been driving, York magistrates heard.

Prosecutor Melanie Ibbotson said police initially received a report of a car crashing into a wall.

“The first officers at the scene had arrested two males who were blaming each other as being the driver at the time of the accident,” she added.

“(Garnham) was one of two people arrested.”

However, CCTV footage showed Garnham driving out of the yard in Millgate, the court heard.

Following his arrest, Garnham was taken to a local police station where a drink-drive test revealed he was twice the legal alcohol limit.

“Officers made further inquiries (and) it transpired that there was CCTV footage showing the vehicle (crashing) into the garage yard (and) colliding with an oil container, before smashing through a metal fence and damaging a second vehicle,” said Ms Ibbotson.

Forensic officers found Garnham’s DNA on the airbag, which had inflated on impact, which proved that he was the driver.

Garnham told police he had “no real recollection of the events (that) evening”.

“He said he had been drinking since the morning but wasn’t sure how much (he had drunk),” added Ms Ibbotson.

“He said he and his neighbour went to a pub in Selby (and) then had gone on to play pool. He doesn’t really recall what happened after this.

“He confirmed it was his car but couldn’t recall whether he was driving, saying he had not driven the car for years.”

Garnham, of Brook Street, Selby, was charged with drink-driving and driving without insurance and a licence. He admitted all three offences when he appeared in court on Wednesday, August 14.

Ms Ibbotson said Garnham had previous convictions for drink-driving and other motoring offences including driving while disqualified.

Craig Robertson, for Garnham, said the father-of-three appeared to have blacked out around the time of the crash on March 4.

He said Garnham had long-standing mental-health issues and was getting help for his drink problem.

The chairman of the magistrates’ bench noted the “extremely high” level of alcohol in Garnham’s system and said his offences were aggravated by his previous convictions.

He said that for those reasons Garnham would be banned from driving for three years and 10 months.

Garnham was also given a 12-month community order with 15 rehabilitation-activity days. He was ordered to pay £85 costs and a victim surcharge.