An historic church which was a gift to the people of Kirkbymoorside has suffered thousands of pounds of damage due to arsonists.

The Grade 1 listed All Saints Church, which dates back 800 years, suffered fire damage during the afternoon of Tuesday, July 30.

The church, which is usually unlocked for visitors during the day and had hosted a free lunch time concert, was found full of smoke at 4.30pm when a volunteer came to prepare the church for a Wednesday morning service.

The altar cloth, underlying woodwork and carpet in the Lady Chapel have been charred and scorched for a distance of several feet, but the fire failed to spread.

The church feared that the full cost of repairing the damage would run into thousands of pounds, and was unlikely to be covered by insurance which could lead to an increased in premiums,

Churchwarden Anne Warriner said the incident is the most serious in a series of recent attacks in which All Saints' Church has suffered daytime thefts and damage, including spreading of hand sanitiser on furnishings, setting off a fire extinguisher, loss of fixed microphones and the destruction of a Christmas crib in the church porch.

Anne said: "The church has been here for around 800 years as a gift to the whole town, and we do all we can to keep it open for people of all faiths and none to enjoy and to find a place of peace. It's so sad to think someone wants to damage such a beautiful place that really does belong to us all.

"If anyone in the town saw anything that afternoon - or if you have any CCTV footage from nearby - please call North Yorkshire Police with details and crime reference number 30072024-0436.

"Our poor lovely church - it's so upsetting."

"The church will need to claim on its insurance to replace the damaged carpet and repair the woodwork. This may not cover the full cost which will run into thousands of pounds, and is likely to increase the premiums paid annually out of money given by church members and visitors: to donate in support of the church please contact and help to maintain the building as an asset and a gift to the town."